Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Astrid Juga Manusia

When I thought that my heart couldn't feel any more hurt..
Voila, it hurts..
So much...

I'm too tired for this...
Just fucking tired.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Aslan is Near!

Begitu bangun pagi ini, yang pertama gue denger adalah suara burung berkicau di luar jendela kamar gue. Penasaran, gue buka jendela kamar, dan emang bener, ada suara-suara burung yang rame berceloteh.

Begitu keluar rumah, yang pertama gue rasain adalah hangatnya sinar matahari...Dan insting pertama gue adalah mau langsung buka jaket dan nekat jalan hanya dengan kaos lengan panjang. Untung gue masih waras, dan akhirnya memaksakan diri untuk terus pake jaket (hmm..mungkin...kalo situasi ini bertahan terus, gue bener" bisa mempensiunkan jaket tebel gue dalam minggu" ini...).

Begitu gue nyusurin sepanjang jalan depan rumah, yang gue perhatiin adalah pohon-pohon yang mulai menampakkan warnanya lewat kuncup" yang mulai mengembang. Hijau. Dan gue jadi inget pemandangan indah sepanjang jalan dari Den Haag ke Hilversum kemarin, yang gue liat dari balik jendela kereta. Hamparan bunga tulip beraneka warna, dari mulai ungu, merah muda, pink sampai kuning..You name it...Serasa ngeliat permadani warna warni terbentang luas...

Dan gue, yang lagi keranjingan baca Chronicles of Narnia, jadi berasa ada di Narnia, saat Aslan mulai mendekat...=) Spring, here he comes...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

True Color

Dari postingannya Tha, gue terjebak mengikuti another silly test...and the result is:

You're brown, a credible, stable color that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy. Most likely, you're a logical, practical person ruled more by your head than your heart. With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver. And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision. Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music. Brown is an impartial, neutral color, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart.

And my opinion?
I'm not logical, I'm almost emotional..But I do like the neutral one, it does suit me..I hate close-minded people who tend to judge others point of views...

But anyway. it's just a test. Sometimes I even answer differently on the same test..Because people change...And the result depends on our mood when we do the test...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

When I was a little girl, if I liked something, I tended to become addicted to it. But then, out of the blue, I will get bored and then just leave it behind me...That bad habit is still with me now, in my 25-years-old-body-and-soul...

I am crazy about Harry Potter..and I read the books without knowing the time..I remember I even read one of those when I was in my exam period in college, and I just couldn't stop! I know all characters, I even tried some of Harry Potter quizes and got 100% score in almost all of them...

I also had a BIG crush of Leonardo DiCaprio...I watched all of his movies (and still am!), I collected his pictures, and I even had clippings about him when I was in junior high school...(but trust me, I've stopped this habit since then..hahaha).

And how about the New Kids On The Block era? OH MY GOD! How I was sooo in love with Jordan Knight, begging my mom so I could watch their concert (my first concert ever), feeling so good because I was the first one who had NKOTB backpack in the elementary school, and how I know every lyric of their songs and every step by step of their dance...Damn embarrasing if I think about it now...

And now...when I think there's no stupid things that could make me feel addicted..I bumped into one of yahoo crazy service, when everybody could ask and answer each others questions (and collected points)..How I like to answer those crazy questions, and ask my own crazy question just to find out how others will respond to it...And again, without realizing it, I've become addicted to something stupid!

When will I get rid of these guilty pleasures? Or is it only a part of being a human? Does anybody out there have his own guilty pleasure and are willing to share it with me? So maybe...I could have less guilty feeling...=)