Kemaren ini gue dikasih tau kalo ada sepucuk surat buat gue yang masih nyasar ke rumah lama. Gue pikir, pasti surat dari bank, sekolah, atau brosur" nggak penting lainnya. Dan betapa kagetnya gue waktu tadi siang Hesti (mantan temen serumah gue)ngasih selembar amplop warna merah muda dengan nama gue yang diketik pake mesin tik manual. Entah kapan terakhir kalinya gue dapet surat dalam wujud yang sesungguhnya, karena biasanya urusan surat menyurat dengan temen" dan keluarga selalu gue lakuin melalui email.Tapi karena gue harus masuk kelas dan kuliah hari ini lumayan padat, surat itu pun sedikit terlupakan.
Gue baru sempet buka surat itu sesudah nyampe di rumah malem ini, dengan perasaan bete dan kecewa luar biasa karena ada sesuatu yang terjadi di luar rencana gue. Sambil duduk sendirian di depan TV, gue buka surat itu, yang ternyata isinya pun diketik dengan mesin tik manual, lengkap dengan tip ex dan beberapa coretan di sana sini.
Di bagian kop surat, tertera nama dan alamat Oma gue di Bandung, yang dicetak dengan bentuk tulisan kaligrafi. Tampak coretan tipis pensil yang mengganti nama Oma gue (yang udah meninggal tahun 2004 lalu) dengan nama Opa gue. Gue sedikit merinding. Udah lama gue nggak denger kabar dari Opa gue. Korespondensi terakhir yang kita lakuin adalah melalui email, itu pun lebih banyak cerita dari pihak gue, dan curhatan dari pihak Opa gue.Dan untuk sementara waktu, sosok Opa agak menghilang dari pikiran gue.
Pelan" gue baca surat itu, yang ternyata diketik dengan campuran bahasa Indonesia, Inggris dan Belanda. Beberapa kosakata yang nggak gue ngerti, akhirnya berusaha gue tebak sendiri. Dan tanpa gue sadar, setitik air dari mata gue tiba" menetes ke kertas itu. Gue bisa ngerasain betapa Opa gue sangat merindukan Oma gue, ketika dia merekomendasikan gue tempat" indah yang pernah mereka kunjungin bareng di Belanda, Belgia dan Jerman. Atau ketika dia mengingatkan gue sama darah Belanda yang masih ada dari pihak Oma, dan membandingkan kesamaan sifat gue dan Oma gue.
Dan terakhir, surat itu ditutup dengan beberapa kalimat bahasa Inggris, yang menyemangati gue untuk sukses dalam studi gue, untuk tetap semangat dalam menjalani hidup gue, dan untuk mencoba mengerti arti hidup : "You will understand life much better if you are able to manipulate your way of thinking, avoiding pain and frustration. And that's not thaught in ordinary schools throughout the world."
Suddenly, I feel much better. Bete gue langsung ilang, masalah gue nggak ada apa" nya. Gue masih punya sejuta hal yang bisa gue syukurin dalam hidup, dan salah satunya, datang dalam wujud sepucuk surat beramplop merah muda...
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
From Barcelona with Luv
And immediately I just fell in love with the city...Jalan"nya, bangunan dan gedung"nya, cafe"nya, taman dan air mancurnya, matahari dan suhu 18 derajatnya, orang" yang udah lalu lalang make tanktop, aroma udara dari laut, tapas yang dijual di mana", artis" yang berkeliaran dengan kostum aneh di La Ramblas...I love almost everything about this city...Gue bahkan bisa mentolerir cowok aneh yang satu kamar sama gue di hostel, kemampuan bahasa inggris orang" spanyol yang terbatas, harga makanan dan suvenir yang hampir semua mahal, dan copet yang banyak banget di mana"...
And suddenly, I missed my mom soooo much....Gue inget obsesinya sebagai seorang arsitek buat dateng ke kota ini, betapa ngefansnya dia sama Gaudi dan bangunan"nya, betapa dia ngotot kalo "Jalan di Barcelona itu salah satu yang terbaik di dunia lho", dan titipan"nya supaya gue foto" sebanyak mungkin sudut kota Barcelona...
Dan sambil merasakan sinar matahari yang hangat di atas kepala gue, menyusuri Passeig de Gracia dan lewat di depan Cassa Milla, gue berjanji dalam hati, "Someday, we're gonna walk together in this street, Mum..."
Friday, March 03, 2006
Yesterday, finally I've received all my grades for previous semester. It's not really bad, although I think I could have done better...Thanks to my laziness and deadline-minded! =)
Actually, there are lot of things that I've learnt since I've been in this course. The framework of thinking with more flexibility, doing qualitative papers with convincing argument instead of just rellying on numbers like I usually did in my bachelor study (for god sake, I was studdying industrial-engineering then...!), trying to work together with people from around the world...adjusting to any kind of people with different culture and background...and even trying hard to fit in with the Dutch-teaching-system...It's hard, but also fun in the same time...
Anyway, as I collected my papers in International Office yesterday, I've accidentally bumped into my friend's assignment. And without thinking, I read the note that was placed in the front page of her paper. It's my teacher's handwriting.
"If you want to graduate with distinction, you have to get 8 for the average grade. And you still can do it if you want to improve this paper".
And suddenly, I felt sick. It's been allowed to receit your paper if you get the score under 5.50. But for me, to give the second chance just to make a student graduated with distinction is not a really fair thing to do. Especially if you know exactly how close this teacher to that particular student.
How if there are other students who have exactly the same grade with her? Do they also deserve the second chance? And how about other students who have the score a little bit lower than her? Is it really unfair if they also ask for the opportunity to upgrade their score?
I have no idea why this thing really bothered me, because I'm not a kind of person who like to mess around with other people's businesses. Maybe because I hope for a more fair system here..But you never know..Maybe it's all the same everywhere, even here, when justice and fairness become one of the most crucial things..Or am I being too judgemental? Or maybe...deep down inside...I just hope that I will be given that second chance also...
*Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea = SHIT! taken from Icha Rahmanti's Beauty Case...
Actually, there are lot of things that I've learnt since I've been in this course. The framework of thinking with more flexibility, doing qualitative papers with convincing argument instead of just rellying on numbers like I usually did in my bachelor study (for god sake, I was studdying industrial-engineering then...!), trying to work together with people from around the world...adjusting to any kind of people with different culture and background...and even trying hard to fit in with the Dutch-teaching-system...It's hard, but also fun in the same time...
Anyway, as I collected my papers in International Office yesterday, I've accidentally bumped into my friend's assignment. And without thinking, I read the note that was placed in the front page of her paper. It's my teacher's handwriting.
"If you want to graduate with distinction, you have to get 8 for the average grade. And you still can do it if you want to improve this paper".
And suddenly, I felt sick. It's been allowed to receit your paper if you get the score under 5.50. But for me, to give the second chance just to make a student graduated with distinction is not a really fair thing to do. Especially if you know exactly how close this teacher to that particular student.
How if there are other students who have exactly the same grade with her? Do they also deserve the second chance? And how about other students who have the score a little bit lower than her? Is it really unfair if they also ask for the opportunity to upgrade their score?
I have no idea why this thing really bothered me, because I'm not a kind of person who like to mess around with other people's businesses. Maybe because I hope for a more fair system here..But you never know..Maybe it's all the same everywhere, even here, when justice and fairness become one of the most crucial things..Or am I being too judgemental? Or maybe...deep down inside...I just hope that I will be given that second chance also...
*Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea = SHIT! taken from Icha Rahmanti's Beauty Case...
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