Friday, May 23, 2008


Setelah hampir 5 bulan setia mengikuti momen demi momen American Idol season 7, akhirnya penantian gue terbayar sudah!!!

Congrats for David Cook, the greatest rocker American Idol ever had..Masih inget performances-nya yang fenomenal pas bawain Hello-nya Lionel Ritchie yang jadi ngerock, Billie Jean yang super keren, dan Always Be My Baby-nya Mariah Carey yang nggak bosen diputer lagi dan lagi...Huhu...Can't wait to have his first album..and cross my fingers for his concert in Asia someday!!! =)

ps: momen yang sangat menghibur terutama setelah Chelsea kalah menyakitkan di penalti dramatis melawan MU...Argh! Champions sucks!!!

pps: setelah American Idol...trus nonton Indonesian Idol, rasanya sakit ati dan sakit telinga...kapan yaaa...bisa berkualitas seperti Idol yang seharusnya? Hate the judges, the so called contestants, and the song choices...(Picked BCL song to prove that you can sing???? As if!!!!!)...

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