Friday, June 28, 2013

10 years

It's been exactly 10 years since the first time I wrote in this blog. Sometimes I felt like abandoning it, but I've never had the heart to really leave it.

So many things had happened for the past ten years. I had fallen in love and losing it, trying to understand what love is all about, and let go what I thought was my future. I almost gave up on love and relationship, and sometimes I still feel the same, despite everything I've experienced. But I decided to try anyway, for the last time, and I'm grateful that I'm still working on it until this day. (Plus I got the big bonus, something that I've never thought that I would ever do in life).

My life always felt like a roller coaster, I circled the world trying to find out what I'm looking for. And to be honest, I still don't know what am I going to do for the rest of my life.

This past 10 years, I'm basically still the same girl, who loves Leonardo Dicaprio, a huge fan of Inzaghi and Azzurri, and sometimes I felt that time flies too fast.

But I promise myself that I will never give up to look for the meaning of my life. Whatever happens. Wherever I will be. I hope I still have the courage to write down all my thoughts, my passion, my love and my regrets. And thank you for being with me for the past 10 years, readers (whoever you are). I hope you will bear with me for the next coming years :)



  1. Woooww.. selamat ultah ke-10 buat blog-nya! Menarik ya betapa blog dapat menjadi catatan sejarah kehidupan.. mengingatkan akan hal2 yang mungkin terlupa :)

    Tetap semangat yaa mengisi blog-nya ^o^

    1. thank you indah :) iya bener, blog jadi catatan perjalanan kehidupan ya...
